
The Sacramento Wheelmen Cycling Club is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization. As such, we have the option of becoming politically active. Because we are a 501(c)4, the club has supported cycling causes and advocated for solutions to cycling problems.

All donations made to The Sacramento Wheelmen Cycling Club are confidential. Although a 501(c)3 nonprofit must report donor information to the IRS for charitable gifts worth $5,000 or more, 501(c)4 nonprofits are exempt from disclosing any information about donations and their donors.

Donations to the Sacramento Wheelmen are not considered tax deductible. This is another difference between 501(c)4 nonprofits and 501(c)3 nonprofits.

Donations to the Sacramento Wheelmen Cycling Club help the club with operating expenses. They also help the club defray the real cost of club events like the annual picnic and annual banquet, as well as help pay for mileage shirts rewarded free of charge annually to club members who ride a minimum of 500 miles over 12 months.

The Sacramento Wheelmen Cycling Club is committed to making annual charitable contributions in the club’s name. Every year the club’s donation committee identifies worthy recipients who support cycling on the state and local level. Your donation to the club helps the club sustain its commitment to charitable giving.

If you would like to make a donation to The Sacramento Wheelmen Cycling Club, please complete the following form. 

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*Last name
Emergency Contact name
Emergency Contact phone
Alternate Emergency Contact name
Alternate Emergency Contact phone
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Copyright © Sacramento Wheelmen              Club Mailing Address: Sacramento Wheelmen, P.O. Box 3083Carmichael, C95609-3083
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